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In the mid-2000’s, Scott took a sabbatical from his art production for academic study. In 2011 he was awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in English and theory of literature. He continued with postgraduate studies in theory of drama (2013), narratology (2014), and critical theory (2015).

For critical theory, Scott studied poststructuralist theories in use in literary, cultural, gender, ecocritical, and postcolonial studies, in respect of both theoretical content and critical practice. He specialised in Jacques Lacan’s theory of psychoanalysis, Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction, and Michel Foucault’s discursive theory of genealogy.


For the paper on ecocriticism, Scott analysed Derrida’s text, The Animal That Therefore I Am (2008). For postcolonialism, Scott employed Lacan’s psychoanalysis with reference to the musician Jimmy Hendrix and the production of Black Atlantic Culture. For discourse theory, Scott read Foucault’s texts on technologies of the body in context to our social media practices.


Scott’s studies of narratological theories include formalist, structuralist, and semiotic models of analysis; he specialised in the structuralist Gerard Genette’s systematic narratology for aspects of characterisation, narration, and time. For contemporary narratology, he specialised in theories of intertextuality for analysis of postmodernist narrative texts.

For theory in practice, Scott specialised in the metafiction of J. M. Coetzee, reading The Childhood of Jesus (2013) with reference to postmodern characterisation and analysing Foe (1986) with reference to postcolonialism and Lacan’s theory of psychoanalysis.


Theory of drama entailed an in-depth study of the relation between the dramatic text and the performance, dramatic space, the pragmatics of dramatic dialogue, the role of the spectator in the theatrical communication process, and the social dimension of theatre.

Scott specialised in the reception theory of Susan Bennet, with reference to metatheatrical techniques and aesthetic pleasure. For theory in practice, Scott analysed the drama Brothers in Blood by Mike van Graan, performed in 2012 at Artscape, Cape Town.    


BA Degree units (2011)

Selected Exhibitions

2019: Regarding the Vase. Ebony Gallery, Franschhoek. (solo exhibition)

2016: SELF-I. The Gallery at Grande Provence, Franschhoek. (group exhibition)

2010: Spier Contemporary. City Hall, Cape Town (Award finalist).

2007: Spier Contemporary. Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch (Award finalist). 

2006: The Kebble Award. Cape Town Convention Centre (Award finalist).

2002: Male Order. National Arts Festival, Albany Museum. Grahamstown. (group exhibition)

2002: Au79. KKNK. CP Nel Museum, Oudtshoorn. (solo exhibition)

2001: Corpus. Association of Arts, Belville. (group exhibition)

2000: Flesh & Memories. Alfred Mall Gallery, V&A Waterfront. (group exhibition)

1999: Flesh & Memories. Association of Arts, Pretoria. (solo exhibition)

1998: Cape Load. Diana Yiulia Gallery, Athens, Greece. (group exhibition)

1998: Garop. Knysna Fine Art, Knysna. (group exhibition)

1997: Kaapse Lading. KKNK Gallery, Oudtshoorn. (group exhibition)

1997: Historiography II. AVA Metropolitan Life Gallery, Cape Town. (solo exhibition)

1996: Volkskas Atelier Awards. Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria (Award finalist).

1995: Historiography I. South African Association of Arts, Cape Town. (solo exhibition)

1995: Volkskas Atelier Awards. Sasol Art Museum, Stellenbosch (Award finalist).

1992: Cape Town Art Festival. Dock Road, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. (group exhibition)

1991: APSA Corobrick. Artscape, Cape Town (Premier Award).

1988: Figurative Ceramics. SANG Annex, Cape Town. (group exhibition)

1986: Paintings. Gallery International, Cape Town. (solo exhibition)

1985: Ceramic Sculpture. Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg. (solo exhibition)

1984: Paintings. Rembrandt Gallery Newtown Market Theatre, Johannesburg. (solo exhibition)

1979: The Machine. Volkskas Gallery, Pretoria. (solo exhibition)


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